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Neuroscience Exploring the Brain, 3rd Edition An

Neuroscience Exploring the Brain, 3rd Edition An

3. Aim for a Consistent Energy Supply: The brain is by far the most energy intensive part of our bodies, using around 20% of all energy consumed. This means that the brain should continually be supplied with new energy. Ideally this supply should be stable and available over extended periods. This is why it is so important to include Low-GI foods in your diet. Low-GI foods generally release energy over a longer period, making it the ideal brain power source.I3. Look for regular energy supply mechanism: Brain is the control room of our body as its most energy consuming section. It uses approxim

So strategies to increase brain power are going to be the same strategies I use to take care of my brain’s fitness, that connecting and communicating power.

However, stress hormones actually stop neurogenesis just as effectively as ethyl alcohol does, so it is very important that we manage the stress chemistry we have and only use it when we are actually under attack, when we need to move effectively in order to save our lives.

I remember reading about research done with the Navy’s Top Gun pilots that indicated the most effective pilots going through that training were the pilots who were able to change their brain waves from beta brain waves, or focused external awareness to alpha waves, or relaxed external awareness and back again frequently. In other words they did brief periods of brain work and then relaxed briefly also. HearthMath is a wonderful tool to facilitate that kind of brain activity.